Why Content Planning Is Important For Web Design

The content plan and the design of a website need to work in partnership. The words and content aren’t something that is thought about after the website is designed. The placement, form, and language of the content are integral parts of great website design. The strategic planning of what type of content will be used is the starting point for the website design.

Strategic content planning

Before you can come up with a  great website design, you need to start to map your strategic content planning. This involves understanding who your website user will be, why they will be on your website, what they want to know, and how they want to know it.

You can then design a website to suit the user.

The right information

Not only do you need to know who your website is going to be “talking” to but you want to know what your audience wants from your website. That way you can make sure that the right information is not only easy to understand but is easy to find.  It will make your website worth a visit if the content is interesting, and of use.

The perfect website format

Having a format which limits “clicks” to allow the user to get the information they want is vital. Once you have established who is using your website, and what they want to know, you can design a format that makes it fast, and easy for them to get to the information they want.

It’s not just about having the information on the page – it is about having it obvious and easy to see without scrolling. Ironically it is about not having to scan-read a load of words to find the information that is needed. The solution may be a headline in a bold-coloured box or even an infographic.

Great delivery options

Content isn’t just about words. Infographics, images, and downloadable guides are just three ways to deliver the same information in different ways to suit different users.

With research showing that only 20% of words are read, a web design that facilitates the reading of the “right” words will be a great benefit. For example, you could use short bold statements, or different font sizes to focus on key information.

Step by Step Infographic

Easy to Understand

The average reading age in the UK is believed to be 9 years old. The average reading age in the USA is 12 years old. This shows that wherever your market is, your written content needs to be easy to understand.

Understanding who your target audience is will allow you to make sure that the language and content are not only easy to understand but suitable. You want to give a great user experience without frustration and being befuddled with jargon and technical terms.

Using short sentences, and plain English and making the content easy to read will enhance the user experience. This will help convert to sales and retention.



Content will allow search engines to find your website. This in turn will bring potential customers to your website.

Designing a website which incorporates videos, as well as written content, will be loved by Google, and search engines. Your ranking will improve, and your website will gain visitors.


A web design that incorporates content that can be shared is brilliant. If the design allows for an easy “click to share” of interesting content, your users can share your website with their social networks and get you more exposure.

The amount of shareable content you want will depend on the demographic of your user.

Image showing social media Icons

Evergreen content

Whilst some content can add benefit if it is topical there is a need for evergreen content. This is content with no time limit but will stay relevant and useful to the reader for a long time. Not only does this mean fewer updates and maintenance for you, but it provides consistency for SEO and familiarity for the user.

Position yourself as an Expert

Having an “Insights” or “News” page will allow you to add new information in the form of blogs. This keeps your website fresh and up-to-date, providing new information to frequent visitors. It is a great way to use content to position yourself as an expert and leader in the market, who is ahead of the game with the latest information and changes. Having a blog page which is easy to navigate and is considered in the design, will help people find that information.

As you can see, website content is an integrated part of web design. It will set your website apart and make sure that your users, and Google, love it.

How we can help

If you are looking to create a new website, or review the design of your existing website, why not have a chat with us? Our web design always starts with a strategic review of content planning which allows us to create great websites.

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